Lawyer Directories

Justia Lawyer Directory

The Justia Lawyer Directory is a free online lawyer directory with detailed profiles of lawyers, law firms, and nonprofit legal service and legal aid organizations. Search for attorneys by name, practice area, and/or geographic location. Any lawyer who can provide proof of licensure is eligible to have a free, full-featured profile in the directory. Lawyers who claim their profiles can add a photo, biographical information, education and experience, websites and blogs, social media profiles, and more. Those who claim their profiles will also be listed on Cornell’s Legal Information Institute Lawyer Directory.


Avvo's lawyer directory provides profiles and ratings of attorneys. The profiles contain information such as lawyer's experience, areas of practice, disciplinary history, and ratings from clients. Profile data comes from many sources, including state courts and bar associations, lawyer websites, and information provided by lawyers.

Nolo Lawyer Directory

Nolo's free lawyer directory provides lawyer profiles and verification that each lawyer is in good standing. Lawyers in this directory have agreed to the "Nolo Pledge" which promises, among other things, respectful service and a clear, fair, written agreement as well as detailed and timely bills. Browse and search by location or practice area / issue. Lawyer Directory

A free lawyer directory powered by LexisNexis provides profiles of both lawyers and law firms. Search and browse by name, location or practice area.

LexisNexis offers a number of legal or law-related sources via this site. Find a lawyer by personal or firm name, location or practice area. Search for articles on law-related topics by keyword. Find experts by keyword or category, legal organizations or events, descriptions of key LexisNexis online resources, such as the Law Digest, and more.

Injury Board - Personal Injury Law Firm search Engine helps you find a personal injury lawyer or law firm. You can search by keyword in a specific state or nationwide. Results include a link to the lawyer/law firm, a firm profile and hits to pages within the lawyer/law firm Web site that match your query. Related information appears to the right of the search results. This includes brief articles (overviews), news, FAQs and government reports.

American Bar Association Lawyer Referral Directory

Provides a state-by-state break down of lawyer referral programs.