General Legal News & Commentary
Justia Legal News and Featured Cases makes it easy for you to find comprehensive sets of dockets and briefs of federal cases involving select companies. Highlighted cases also cover certain current legal topics, e.g., IP, Civil Rights. Subscribe via RSS to track new filings by keyword, Judge, court, lawsuit type or date.
Search hundreds of legal blogs ("blawgs") by author, topic, practice area, or popularity. Subscribe via RSS and track your favorite bloggers and / or legal topics of interest. Read more about creating customized RSS Blawgsearch feeds here.
Find out what legal professionals are "tweeting" about at Legal Birds - a Twitter directory powered by Follow legal tweeters grouped by practice area, location and occupation (lawyers, academics, legal professionals).
Jurist is a Web-based legal news and real-time legal research service powered by a team of law student reporters and editors and led by law professor Bernard Hibbitts at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Users may subscribe to email alerts or via RSS to track news and commentary. is a free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools. Visit the web site and search and browse through a wealth of helpful information and articles, or follow LLRX on their blog, beSpecific. is American Lawyer Media's news and information portal. From the main site users can connect to national and regional legal publications - additional legal news can also be obtained via their newswire. Parts of the site require a subscription.
Law360 - Business Lawyer News Service
This subscription-based new service covers 16 practice areas and industries - content is delivered daily in the form of email newsletters. Articles link directly to court dockets and key documents.
Published by attorney, writer and media consultant Bob Ambrogi, the LawSites blog tracks and reviews new and intriguing web sites and resources for the legal profession. You can also listen to Bob on the legal affairs podcast, Lawyer2Lawyer.
Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress)
Founded by professors in 1999, Berkeley Electronic Press publishes peer-reviewed electronic legal journals - this is a subscription based service but does allow some guest access to content.
The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries provides a search tool - Gold Rush, for finding electronic journals. Search by keyword, subject, or title. Or, browse by title or Library of Congress subject heading. Searchers can also limit retrieval by free or peer-reviewed sources. Journal records provide the Web address, bibliographic information, publication frequency and start/end dates, and contact information
The law firm Jones Day provides a database of its publications covering many legal topics, including antitrust, bankruptcy and business restructuring, energy, environment, health care, securities, technology, and more. Search by keyword, or select a publication you want to review (e.g., Jones Day Memoranda) and check the "current" box to receive a list of newer items.
LexisNexis Directory of Law Reviews
Compiled by University of Mississippi law professor Michael H. Hoffheimer, this free directory lists law reviews from ABA accredited law schools and established legal journals that accept unsolicited material for publication. The information provided includes the name of the journal, the frequency of publication and the publisher's contact information. The directory is available online in PDF format.
Developed by LexBlog, a company that provides technical and content services for law blogs, LexMonitor collocates feeds from law blogs around the Internet. It arranges them into subject categories to facilitate monitoring multiple feeds on a common topic. LexMonitor also enables tracking blogs on a subject via RSS feed.
Mobile Applications for Legal Research & News
From the UCLA Law Library, this guide highlights a number of mobile legal news applications that might be of interest to law students and lawyers.
The Open Directory - Legal News & Media
The Open Directory portal provides links to both national and international legal news resources.
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) offers an electronic library of scholarly articles and forthcoming research papers. Comprised of five research networks -- Accounting, Economics, Latin American, Financial Economics, and Legal Scholarship, the SSRN Electronic Library stores abstracts and full-text documents pertaining to scholarly research in these fields.
Browse or search the library by author, title, journal or topic. Read the abstracts online and then download desired full-text in portable document format.
This commercial database offers articles from over 3,000 sources including trade journals, law reviews and legal journals, newspapers, and wire services. Researchers may run free test searches, which offer the article title, publication, publication date, and first few words of the article. Retrieving entire articles requires a monthly or annual subscription. Researchers-for-hire and librarians should review the licensing agreement carefully. It prohibits using the service on behalf of others.
Tarlton Law Library - Law Review Table of Contents Database
Tarlton Law Library offers this database of table of contents pages from more than 750 law reviews and legal journals received by the library. Information remains in the database for three months.
Researchers may request copies of articles from Tarlton's document delivery service.
United State Supreme Court Monitor offers news and legal commentary about the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings as well as copies of the decisions (not free) and information about cases accepted for review. News and commentary appear in American Lawyer Media and affiliated publications.