United States Federal Dockets & Briefs
PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) provides access to an index of court filings in federal district, bankruptcy and appellate courts. Access requires a subscription. Charges can apply to searches.
Justia Federal Court Filings and Dockets
Justia offers a free database for searching federal district court civil cases. Coverage spans from January 1, 2004 to the present. Browse case filings or conduct a search by party name, court, type of lawsuit or date. Information provided includes case caption, date filed, court, judge, type of lawsuit and cause of action. Justia also provides a link to the docket sheet (subscription required for PACER). Set up RSS feeds to track specific types of cases, courts and parties.
LLRX.com Dockets
LLRX.com offers search access to source information for federal and state court rules, forms and dockets.
RECAP is a free extension for Firefox that improves the experience of using PACER. RECAP users receive an alert when a document they are searching for on PACER is already available for free from a repository hosted by the Internet Archive. RECAP also allows users to automatically donate the documents they purchase from PACER into the public repository.
This commercial research service from Westlaw provides searching and monitoring services for cases in federal district, bankruptcy and appellate courts as well as some state courts. Subscribers may order case documents online. The service also offers an interface to the PACER U.S. Case Party Index, which enables searching by name, social security number (SSN) or employer identification number (EIN), assuming these appear in the case caption. Access requires a paid subscription. The site also offers limited guest access upon registration.
Legal Dockets Online
This subscription-based site provides a portal to case information and court docket systems for federal, state and local courts in the United States. It covers civil and criminal courts. Find online access to court docket sheets, basic case information, court calendars, opinions, orders, decisions, inmate information and document images. It also offers a Weblog on electronic filing and public records retrieval.
LexisNexis CourtLink
Available via LexisNexis (fee-based), CourtLink eAccess provides electronic access to court records in over 4,000 federal, state and local courts. CourtLink eFile - now available in 90 courts - provides online filing services.
U.S. Party/Case Index
PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) provides access to an index of court filings in federal district, bankruptcy and appellate courts. Conduct one search in available courts nationwide, or search individual courts. Review the site's Courts Not on Index to determine whether the court you want is available via the index. This is an easy inexpensive way to find federal civil or criminal litigation involving companies or individuals. Access requires a subscription.
Who's Suing Whom
The Translation Station, a translation and interpretation services firm, offers this search tool for finding patent, trademark or copyright cases pending in federal courts. You may search by case type and party name, court, state or date to find basic case information. There is a charge to retrieve full-text court dockets. However, the information provided is sufficient for retrieval via the less expensive U.S. Party/Case Index.