United States Federal Government - Executive Branch
From USA.gov, find links to all the Executive Branch agencies and departments. To view the official web site of The White House, click here.
Justia.com Executive Branch Resources
Links to Offices of the President and Executive Agencies
Administrative Law Research Guide
The Georgetown University Law Library offers this guide to researching administrative law (agency regulations). It provides information about print as well as electronic sources. A useful feature indicates how various electronic versions (commercial and free) differ.
Clinton Presidential Materials Project
Upon the changing of the guard, the White House Web site metamorphosed leaving folks to wonder what happened to the useful content provided during Clinton's administration. The short answer appears to be: It scattered. While archivists examine and sort the records produced during Clinton's administration, searchers will find copies of all four versions of the Clinton White House web site at the National Archives and Records Administration. Expect the content and navigation of this archival site to change as the experts determine what shall remain in the public domain.
U.S. Attorneys' Manual
Find the Department of Justice's U.S. Attorneys' Manual compressed by chapter for quick downloading. The files exist in WordPerfect 5.1 format.
POTUS: Presidents of the United States
This Internet Public Library Web site offers encyclopedia-like information for U.S. presidents in an easy-to-read format. Information offered includes presidential elections results, members of the cabinet, notable events, links to credible Web-based biographies, links to historical documents, and other relevant information.
Hosted and maintained by the Presidential Recordings Program at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs, the site makes available select presidential recordings and related research materials.
Links to the Federal Register and Federal Regulations are located here.
Links to Government Search Engines are located here.