United States Federal Government - Legislative Branch

Links to the U.S. Code and related resources are located here.
Links to Government Search Engines are located here.

United States Senate
Official web site of the United States Senate.

United States House of Representatives
Official web site of the United States House of Representatives.

United States House of Representatives Live Video Feeds
Streaming video feeds of the House Floor Proceedings dating back to the beginning of the 111th Congress.

Federal legislative information (bills, resolutions, Congressional Record, schedules, committee information, etc.) from the Library of Congress.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
The directory provides biographies of Presidents, Congressmen and other government officials, who have served since 1774. Biographies typically include years of service, party affiliation, personal data, education and occupation(s). Several also contain a bibliography. The site does not appear to enable searching. You may browse biographies alphabetically by last name. The directory is available in PDF only.

C-Span Video Library
More than 170,000 hours of content, back to 1987, including House and Senate proceedings.

Open CRS (Congressional Research Reports)
Reports to members of Congress on a variety of topics relevant to current political events.

WikiLeaks CRS
As of February, 2009 Wikileaks consististed of 6,780 reports comprising over 127,000 pages of material.

Penny Hill Press CRS Reports
Penny Hill Press provides free browse-access to Congressional Research Service Reports issued since 1993. Arranged by topic, an abstract of the report is made available for free. If you want the full text, you have to call the company, or purchase an annual subscription.

The Memory Hole - CRS Reports
Freedom of information advocacy site The Memory Hole maintains an archive of more than 300 Congressional Research Service Reports, which disappeared from their original locations on the Web. Categorized as "long reports," "short reports," "issue briefs" and "appropriations reports," the site provides a PDF copy of those it was able to recover.

Justia.com U.S. Legislative Resources
Helpful House of Representatives and Senate links.

Legistlative Reports of Congressional Committees
Includes reports from the 104th Session of Congress to the present.

Advocating for transparency in government, LegiStorm makes available several potentially useful databases. The Salary Database contains salaries from 2003 to 2007 on congressional staffers. You can't query the database, but you may browse it by the name of the staff person representative, senator, congressional committee, leadership office, administrative office or state. The site obtains the data "from the official record books: the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House reports."

U.S. Congress Votes Database
The Washington Post offers a database of votes in the United States Congress since the 102nd Congress (1991).