Washington State Resources
State Law
- Washington Constitution
- Washington Code
- Washington Regulations
- Washington State Register
- Washington Case Law
State Resources
- Washington Governor
- Washington Legislature
- Washington Courts
- Washington Attorney General
- Washington State Agencies & State Organizations
Federal Courts
Other Legal Resources
Washington Dockets
This site provides several search options for finding litigation in Washington trial and appellate courts from 1975 to present. While you may search by person or business name or by case number, you must search each court, as well as each year, separately. Initial results for civil cases provide the case number, filing date, party's name and cause of action. If the case is active, you may retrieve the docket sheet. Note: Washington Courts has a fee-based service called JIS-Link which offers more search and reporting features.
Washington Dockets
A fee-based service by Northwest Location Services, Inc. of Wauna, Washington, this database provides access to civil and criminal court records.
Washington State Bar Attorney Disciplinary Actions
The Washington State Bar Association offers an unofficial database for finding attorney public disciplinary information.
Temple of Justice
A collaboration between The Oyez Project and the Thomas S. Foley Institute at Washington State University where the public can explore the Washington State Supreme Court and its history, learn about the Justices who have served on the Court over its 120-year existence, discover the range of issues it deals with, and gain a better understanding of how the Court functions and arrives at its decisions.
Washington State Digital Archives
The official Washington State Digital Archives is dedicated "to the preservation of electronic records from both State and Local agencies that have permanent legal, fiscal or historical value."
Justia.com - Washington State Resources
LLRX.com Court Forms, Rules and Dockets
LLRX.com offers search access to source information for federal and state court rules, forms and dockets.
State Public Records
Washington Access to Criminal Histories
Washington provides official online access to criminal histories for a fee.
Washington State Department of Licensing Disciplinary Actions
Find a list of licensees, who have recently received public discipline.
Washington State Sex Offender Information Center
The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) offers a database of information about Level II and III (moderate and high risk) registered sex offenders.