Business News
American City Business Journals
American City Business Journals, Inc. aggregates news stories from its regional business newspapers. Find news by industry, region or keyword. Access is free, but requires registration. You can also opt to receive news alerts by email. News alerts are available by region, industry or keyword.
The Bloomberg news service reports on markets, economies, companies and other topics daily. Its news stories appear in newspapers around the world. The Web site provides a mix of free and fee-based information. Using it requires free registration. A special feature lets you find current stock information by entering a ticker symbol. Another search feature helps you find the ticker symbol by company or mutual fund name.
CNET Networks offers this site for finding traditional and non-traditional (blogs, RSS feeds) news about companies. BNET features a select group of topics, industries and companies. It also provides access to the results of the top ten searches, presumably within CNET Web sites. Topics include some "hot" issues, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, outsourcing and brand management. Company Updates cover larger, mostly public companies. Find press releases, trade articles, news stories, white papers and more.
Researchers may search for news about current events and then read, view or listen to it. It's great for legislative and political news.
Provides financial news.
Formerly Company News On-Call, this PR Newswire service enables searching or browsing a database of all news releases appearing on PR Newswire during the past 30 days. Follow the advanced search link for more search options.
LexisNexis offers this resource containing news summaries pertaining to business law issues. News topics include mergers and acquisitions, corporate liability and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Use of the site is free and all information appears in full-text.
A subscription-based weekly legal newsletter, Corporate Crime Reporter reports on lawsuits, agency actions and other events pertaining to corporate crime. Find a list of the top 100 corporations charged with crimes, hot documents (e.g., Martha Stewart indictment), interviews with white collar crime defense lawyers and others, news and more. Much of the information appearing on the Web site is free.
The Web site enables browsing or searching (by ticker symbol or pre-established category) company press releases. For example, browse all current legal-related news involving public companies, or search for news about a specific public company. Behind the scene, the business serves chief financial officers, investor relations officers and other managers of publicly-held corporations, who want to disseminate their company's financial information.
This advocacy site reports on corporate activities worldwide. While visitors cannot search or browse the site by company name, they can enter a company name as a keyword query to find relevant news items. The site also offers research tips and strategies for finding information about companies -- public or private -- or industries. Some of the issues it follows include biotechnology, globalization, oil, gas and coal, sweatshops, World Bank, and more.
The vendor offers several Web products, designed for different types of users, that provide access to newspapers around the world.
Fast Company makes available its database of companies, which appear in articles on its Web site or in the print magazine. You may browse or search by company name, location or industry. The search results consists of a list of linked articles that mention the company. Select any of them to display the full text. This is a free resource.
This site provides a directory of news sources worldwide. Powered by, a feature enables searching for current news by keyword. After conducting a search, note a link at the top of the search results page, labeled News Feeds. This leads to another site powered by It provides some interesting news feeds, including one that tracks news about certain companies.
Researchers may read, view, or listen to current news stories. Search the 60-day archive.
International Herald Tribune Archive
Search the article archive of the International Herald Tribune from 1996 to present free of charge. The text of articles also appears to be available at no charge.
Follow the search link under CONTENTS to find a database of abstracts of investigative reporting stories. Enter a company or individual's name -- or other keyword -- to find summaries of investigative articles. You can order the full-text of articles from IRE or use the bibliographic information provided to find them elsewhere.
Legal information site,, makes it easy for you to find federal cases involving select companies or certain topics. Currently this section of Justia tracks federal case law involving Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, eBay and Menu Foods. It also tracks new filings in cases by federal court topic number. So, for example, you may monitor new filings pertaining to employment and other civil rights, torts, contracts, intellectual property and more. Not only will you find new cases, but new filings in existing cases.
Please note: We were unable to find any documentation about the scope of coverage for these monitoring services. It's difficult to determine whether they track filings in all federal courts or select federal courts.
Find analyst reports, company profiles, information about mergers and acquisitions, and more. Try the Company Library.
This feature of the MSN Money Web site enables finding current news about public companies by ticker symbol or company name. Enter either to find key developments concerning earnings, products or other announcements.
This site offers breaking news including market reports, current IPOs and deleted companies, sector industry reports and other expert opinions, indexes and statistics from 1971 to present, and background information about NASDAQ. Also find a search tool for locating NASDAQ companies by name, symbol, state or zip code. The tool enables sorting by name, symbol, or market value.
The site requires registration, which is free. Read today's paper or search the archive or the Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Researchers may search for articles for free, but displaying them in full incurs a charge.
Search this library of Knight-Ridder newspapers at no charge. Retrieving full-text articles requires a subscription. This resource allows researchers to search several major U.S. newspapers simultaneously.
This sites offers an extensive index of news sites worldwide.
Pandia, a site devoted to searching the Internet, now offers a metasearch service for news stories. It's coverage includes articles from "BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, NewsHub and Moreover." I especially like the helpful links to additional news metasearch services as well as to individuals news sources.
The site informs about current news pertaining to aviation. Find news headlines with brief commentary. Also use this resource to stay informed about new entries in the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) database concerning aviation accidents. Find new entries half-way down the left-hand side of the home page under the heading, NTSB Monthly. The site also offers a search feature, which you can use to find news pertaining to certain aircraft or companies.
Rocket Technologies offers a public search engine and desktop utility for finding current news about companies and industries. The public search engine enables single keyword or phrase searching. Use it to find business-related news and articles published during the current or past five days. The desktop utility offers greater search capability as well as the ability to store queries. It also enables browsing RSS news feeds and Weblogs.
Vanderbilt University offers this archive of television news. Search abstracts of evening news stories and special reports from 1968 to present.
TotalNEWS offers an incredibly fast search interface to news stories appearing on the Web. Find current news as reported in The New York Times, Washington Post, and other major news sources. The archive appears to cover the past 30 days., in partnership with Intelliseek and Answerpal, offer this subscription tracking service for monitoring trademark use on the Web. Covering eight types of resources -- domain names, publications and catalogs, message boards, the publicly-accessible Web, newspapers, Usenet, Web feeds, and trademark databases -- searches for potential infringements based upon your criteria. Some of its information sources include Network Solutions Whois database, Canadian, United Kingdom, and United States trademark databases, Google Groups, Board Reader, Motley Fool, and other message boards, many regional, national, and specialty news sources, various trade magazines, DayPop, Moreover, and other blog and news Web feeds, Google, AltaVista, and many other search engines. The bot reports back with matching results based upon the frequency you set. Some of the more interesting finds on bots I established for The Virtual Chase include use of the key phrase for generating advertising at major search engines. Currently, the site offers a 21-day free trial period.
Special Libraries Association, News Division, offers a useful annotated chart of news media archives on the Web. Arranged by State, the chart points researchers to both free and commercial sources of historical news. Because search engines cannot collect and index many valuable news stories (from The New York Times and Wall Street Journal, for example), this finding aid fills a much-needed gap.
This is the online edition of U.S. News & World Report. The site offers the full-text of articles appearing since 17 February 1997.
This site is truly an amazing collection of URLs for newspapers all over the world. At more than 9000 links, if the news source you're seeking isn't here, it's probably not on the Web!
Read parts of today's paper. Search an archive of papers from April 1987 to present for free. Displaying articles in full-text incurs a charge.
Read parts of today's Wall Street Journal. Access to most of the site requires a subscription.
The site offers the text of every story available in the paper edition plus breaking news updates, special reports, and more. Search the archives for stories back to 1986. Researchers will pay to retrieve the text of older articles.
Lynn M. LoPucki, a law professor at University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, makes available a database of bankruptcies involving public companies. To find information about a specific company, select "company data" from the left-hand menu. It provides the name of the company, its SIC code, pre-filing assets, pre-filing sales, pre-filing number of employees, cause of bankruptcy, place of incorporation, court for headquarters location, type of filing, court where filed, year of filing, year of disposition, the outcome and more. If you want statistical information, select "design study" from the left-hand menu. Select the options (a very long Web page of options) you want. For example, you can discover the number of bankruptcies filed by public companies headquartered in a specific city over a period of time. You can also obtain a list of public companies that emerged from bankruptcy, but then refiled. Check the database's updating status to learn about the timeliness of the data. Coverage extends back to 1980. Sources include case information taken from PACER, EDGAR filings, news stories, company Web sites and telephone interviews.
Obtain real-time stock quotes for a fee. This site compiles real-time financial news from major newswire services and maintains the links for seven (7) days. It offers search features for quick retrieval of specific stories.