General Information Alert Services
Google Alerts are email or RSS (Google Reader) updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. You must be a registered Google user to sign up. Create your
account here.
Sign up for Twitter and access information as it happens from breaking world news, professional meetings and conferences, general topics and more.
The site offers a free very simple utility for tracking changes in Web pages. Better services exist, but this one is free. It does not track keywords.
The European Journalism Centre aggregates RSS feeds for news sources in several countries. More than 300 feeds are available. To display them, select the flag icon for the country of interest. Several feeds display in the language of the country, but there are many English-language feeds as well.
A service of iMorph Inc., Infominder tracks changes in Web pages and RSS news feeds. It's easy to use. Simply enter the address of a Web page, or select from a list of RSS channels. When Infominder detects a change, it will send you notification by email. Features include report highlighting (pinpoints changes), bookmark importing, and keyword tracking. Limited free service is available.
Ingenta Select Table of Contents Alerts
Register free to receive tables of contents from select electronic journals by email. The collection includes several legal titles. (Special Note: On 6 March 2003, the home page indicated that the entire site was undergoing construction.)
JAMA and Archives Journals E-mail Alert Service
The American Medical Association provides free tables of contents for several of its journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), American Medical News, and others. Register free to access.
Publisher InterDok Corporation offers this complementary service to its Directory of Published Proceedings. MInd: The Meetings Index is a database containing information about meetings, conferences, symposia and other events that result in published proceedings. Topics covered by the index include science and technology, medical and life sciences, pollution control and ecology and social sciences and humanities. Select from a list of keywords to find information about events, which includes the names of the events, dates, locations, organizers or sponsors, contacts and a link to the Web site.
InformaWorld Scholarly Articles Research Alerting
Taylor & Francis Group offers table of contents alerting service for its legal journals. Free registration required.
14 August 2002. Revised 21 March 2008. A service of NexLabs Pte Ltd, TrackEngine monitors Web page changes and send notification about changes via email, mobile phone, or pager. The service provides a utility that resides in your links toolbar. Whenever you encounter a page you want to track, click the Track Me! link. Fill in the parameters and await the first report. Features include bookmark management, keyword tracking, tracking of password-accessible Web pages, use of cookie data, and more. Limited free service is available.
Another free service that monitor, and reports on, changes in Web pages. Reports arrive by email and display changes in plain text. Alternatively, read the plain text changes in your storage space on the site. Attractive features include archives of changed pages, the ability to sort watched Web pages into folders, and an easy capturing with a bookmarklet.
Select alerts from a wide variety of topics or by keyword. You must be a registered Yahoo! user to sign up.