Online News and Commentary
Notable Names Database (NNDB)
A useful tool for discovering basic facts about well-known individuals or people who have been in the news.
Historical Newspaper Collection
Genealogy research site makes available a searchable collection of local news, obituaries, legal notices, classified ads and personal announcements from more than 400 newspapers in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.
Wall Street Journal Daily Index to People
The Wall Street Journal Online makes available a one-day index to stories about business people. The stories appear in the print edition, and not necessarily in the online edition. The index refreshes on a daily basis and there is no archive.
This Web site offers news stories from independent sources, information about candidates including their funding, information about political donors, information from the polls, a searchable directory of political information sites, and more.
A service of The Polling Report, this site offers public opinion polls on a variety of political, economic and social issues.