United States Campaign Finance and Lobbyists

United States Campaign Finance
The National Institute on Money in State Politics makes available information on campaign finance at the state level. It develops searchable databases and analyzes the information to determine the role campaign money plays in public policy debates in the states. It also publishes studies and provides technical assistance and training to reporters, academic researchers and public interest groups that work on state policy issues. A search box on the home page lets you display political giving at a glance by choosing a state and election year. You may narrow the query by candidate, contributor or special interest group.

A Web site for discovering lobbyists, campaign financial data, soft money contributions, contribution profiles for presidential candidates, and more.

FundRace 2008
Not-for-profit media arts organization Eyebeam developed this database, which lets you look up campaign contributions for amounts totaling more than $200 and given to a single campaign.

The Center for Public Integrity Data Search
Formerly 50 States Online, this section of the Web site for The Center for Public Integrity comprises several databases as well as various reports and disclosure forms. Outside Interest Database contains information about state lawmakers' outside economic interests. The data comes from 1999 financial disclosure forms. Browse Outside Interest Disclosure Forms to find state lawmakers' financial disclosure forms for 1999, 2000 and 2001.

Lobbying Entity Database contains the names of entities that lobby state governments on behalf of certain industries. Search by keyword or industry. Public Interest Contact contains information about state public interest groups. However, this database did not work on the day that we reviewed it.